right now i am making the fight scene at the very start of Mario and Megaman to show the viewers(you)
the ability mario has as a little sneak peek of the fight im going to put in a photo
when it comes out, probably the end of october or mid november, please enjoy! :P (but its useless for me to say it now) ZOMG!!! :D
it would be greatly appreciated if you would spread the word and respond to both my posts! :D
Where did luigi go? =[
I would love it if you made him a bad guy, because he was sick of mario getting all the spotlight.
From the picture, i like the oldschool feel. Add some floating blocks, a some clouds, and it would be near completion.
your suggestion on luigi is good, i ,might try it, and if i do look for your name in the credits, but the idea for ep 1 is all ready, i might use the luigi thing in ep 2 :3